Pros And Cons Of Cedar Fencing

When it comes to choosing a fence, it can be hard to ignore the traditional beauty of wood fencing. Cedar, in particular, is a popular fencing option. The following are the pros and cons of cedar fencing, which can help you make the decision on which new fence material to choose.

Pro: Low Maintenance

Maintenance is always a concern with wood. Cedar beats out all other wood options when it comes to maintenance. Unlike treated pine and other wood options, cedar doesn't need to be painted or stained every year. It repels insects, and its natural oils allow it to repel some moisture so that it dries quickly and doesn't rot as long as it is exposed to air. For this reason, the only maintenance necessary with a cedar fence is to wash it down once a year with a pressure washer. This is mainly to remove dirt and any mildew spores that try to move in.

Con: Cost

Cedar can cost more per board foot compared to pine and other options. This may result in a higher upfront installation cost, which will have to be budgeted for. It's important to keep in mind that this cost will likely balance out over time since you will save both money and time when you aren't buying and applying fence paint or stain every single year.

Pro: Longevity

When it comes to longevity, cedar fencing delivers. Cedar can last for decades with just minimal maintenance and repairs, often remaining functional for more than twice as long as other comparable wood fencing options. This is in part because you don't have to worry about insect damage ruining the boards. If you live in a damp climate, the outperformance of cedar as compared to other woods can be even more striking.

Con: Rot Resistance

Although cedar resists rot quite well above ground, buried cedar rots at the same rate as any non-treated wood product. For this reason, it is best to use cedar fencing pickets with fence posts made of another material. Some homeowners opt for more expensive metal or vinyl posts since these have no rot concerns at all and can be used over and over. Another option is to use pressure-treated pine posts. These resist rot sufficiently so that they should last at least as long as the cedar pickets.

Contact a cedar wood fencing contractor to learn more about your options.

About Me

Improving Your Fence

About a year ago, I started thinking about things that I could do to improve my property. I started realizing that there were several things that might help, such as improving my fencing. I began talking with difference fencing contractors about what they could do to help, and it made a huge difference for me. It was really interesting to see all of the different options they offered and how they could enclose certain parts of my yard. This website is here to help people to know how to make their yards better than ever before. Check it out for great ideas.


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